What are EACR Travel Fellowships?
With support from Worldwide Cancer Research, we provide Travel Fellowships of up to €3,500 to enable early-career cancer researchers to gain new skills through a short-term visit to a lab or research group in another country.
1. Are you interested?
Take a look at the Travel Fellowship Handbook to find out more.
2. Are you eligible?
- You must be an EACR member with no more than 8 years postdoctoral experience (excluding career breaks such as parental leave or long-term illness) at the point of submission.
- If your membership is through one of the EACR’s affiliated National Societies, the same criteria apply.
- You must hold a current position within the field of cancer research at a recognised institution or company.
Check the Travel Fellowship Handbook for the full application criteria.
3. Time to apply
Download the Application Form and use the Travel Fellowship Handbook to help you complete each section. Please submit your application at least 8 weeks before you plan to start your trip.
Travel Fellowship Stories
Click here to read the experiences of recent EACR Travel Fellows, published in our online magazine The Cancer Researcher.
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