The EACR organises a popular programme of high quality focused cancer research conferences.
The Conference Committee plans which focused meetings the EACR should organise, including the location, duration and scientific topics to be covered. They make their decisions with the following aims in mind: the highest scientific quality, interesting and relevant topics, and an enjoyable experience for participants with many opportunities for networking.
The EACR awards Travel Fellowships to enable early-career cancer researchers to gain new skills through a short-term visit to a lab or research group in another country.
The Committee reviews and assesses all Travel Fellowship applications based on five criteria: the suitability of the applicant, the quality of the host lab, the feasibility of the trip, the benefit for the home lab, and the overall relevance of the project.
The Industry Committee oversees the EACR's activities in growing connections with industry.
The Awards Committee is responsible for considering nominations for EACR awards, including the Mike Price Gold Medal Award.
The Executive Committee acts as an executive group between Board meetings, with delegated authority to make decisions within the remit of the EACR Strategic Plan. Such decisions will be reported to the Board at its next meeting. It also monitors budget performance and addresses matters related to personnel and staffing.
The National Societies Committee develops relationships between the EACR and affiliated national societies to mutual benefit, by identifying areas for potential collaboration and joint working and by identifying ways in which the EACR can support the work of the societies in their own countries.
The Nominating Committee advises the EACR Board on the appointment of new members of the Board. A call for nominations is made to the entire EACR membership. The Nominating Committee considers all nominations in the context of the current Board composition, and with a view to expertise and geographic, ethnic and gender diversity.