The European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), a registered charity, is a global membership community for those working and studying in the field of cancer research, both in Europe and worldwide. For more details please see our About page.
In order to join the EACR you must be actively working or studying in the field of cancer research. For example: you may work in academia, in industry or as a medical doctor who also conducts research.
If you would like to join the EACR, please fill in the online application form.
If you are a member of one of the EACR's affiliated National Societies you are automatically an EACR member by affiliation – for free. If you have not heard from us, please get in touch.
There are many benefits in becoming an EACR member, too many to list here! For an overview please visit our Membership page.
Regular membership is €75 per year or a four year membership is available for €250. Early career researchers with less than 4 years postdoctoral experience pay only €90 for 4 years, and students pay a single fee of €35 for the duration of their studies.
The EACR aims to be inclusive: we may be able to offer reduced membership fees for researchers from countries with low- or middle-income economies (as defined by the World Bank), or for those who have extenuating circumstances. To enquire please contact the Membership Team.
For more information about membership fees please visit our Membership page.
Click here to reset your password securely. You will need to enter the email address that your account is registered to (the address where you receive our regular email news bulletin).
If your email address has changed, please contact us.
The EACR is a registered charity in England and Wales (1171827). You can donate money to assist us in our work supporting cancer researchers across the world. Visit our Donate page for more information.
Currently the EACR only provides travel grants to attend our own conferences. For more details please see the Travel Grants page.